Mille Notti
If there is something wrong with your product, you have the right to make a complaint about the defective product in accordance with the mandatory consumer protection laws applicable in the country where you have your habitual residence. In Sweden, you have the right to complain about original defects in the product that arise within three years from the delivery of the product (liability period). You must always make a complaint within a reasonable time from when you should have noticed the defect. Your right to make a complaint expires no later than two months after the three-year liability period has elapsed.
If you want to make a complaint about a product, you can use the return form that came with the delivery or contact our customer service by emailing or calling+46 8-700 00 01. Our return address is Mille Notti AB, Södra Fiskartorpsvägen 30, 114 33 Stockholm.
Once the complained-about product has been received and we have confirmed the validity of the complaint, we will compensate you in accordance with applicable law.